Saturday, November 12, 2011

Jiaogulan Powder (Gynostemma Pentaphyllum) Organic

Jiaogulan Powder (Gynostemma Pentaphyllum) Organic Grown All Natural Wild Crafted 100% Pure

New, 100% pure Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Jiaogulan) herb powder. Anti-oxidant, Longevity and Adaptogenic Herb. Gynostemma is MORE POWERFUL than Ginseng. 
Potent "cure-all" herb, Anti-oxidant, Anti-aging, Anti-tumors, Detoxifying, Adaptogen, Sexual enhancement herb


Origin & Production: China 
Latin Name: Gynostemma pentaphyllum
Common Name: Jiao Gu Lan
Other Names: Adaptogen, Amachazuru, Dungkulcha, Fairy Herb, Gynostemma, Gynostemma pedatum, Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Immortality Herb, Jiao Chu Lan, Jiao Gu Lan, Miracle Grass, Penta Tea, Southern Ginseng, Vitis pentaphylla, Xian Cao, Xianxao.

Taste: cream batches are slight bitter, gray batches are neutral

Color: some batches are LIGHT CREAM, some batches are LIGHT GREEN with GRAY SHADS (see product photo) 
(Sometimes the colors of batches may vary depends on many factors)

Gynostemma is the most powerful adaptogenitc herb even more powerful than panax Ginseng as cure-all herb. It contains a 82 saponins (known as gypenosides) which is 3-4 times more than there are in ginseng. Some of those saponins are changed into Ginsenosides (the active compound found in ginseng) when they are in our bodies. 

Benefits of Gynostemma: It has used for centuries as a "cure-all" herb, anti aging agent, high-powered antioxidant effect, scavenging the body for free radicals, protect the body from DNA damage, longevity, provide antioxidant protection for cells and membranes, slow the aging process, increase the production of superoxide dismutase(SOD), lowering levels of oxidized lipids, decreasing free radical damage and proliferation, inhibits the effects of UV radiation damage, detoxifying agent, tonic to treat cancer, proven cancer inhibitor, obstruct and delay the growth of cancer, increases the 'Natural Killer' cell activities in cancer patients, empowering bodies to fight back against the invading cancer, atherosclerosis, liver disease, strengthen the body, reduce fatigue, improve sexual vigor, reinforce overall health, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, improving heart function, strengthening the immune system, increasing stamina and endurance, increasing resistance to environmental stress, improving memory, and preventing hair loss, poor appetite, cough, chronic bronchitis, ongoing stomach pain (chronic gastritis), pain and swelling (inflammation), ulcers, constipation, stress, gallstones, obesity, diabetes, insomnia, backache, Environmental pollution, poor nutrient, stress leads to liver deficiency and stored as fat, regulate fat metabolism, maintain normal cholesterol levels , maintain healthy blood pressure, Potent Immunomodulator, help maintaining healthy immune system, help maintaining normal cholesterol and triglyceride levels, lower serum cholesterol, lower triglycerides, lower LDL (bad cholesterol), increasing HDL (good cholesterol), help maintaining healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular health, regulates blood pressure and cholesterol, lower risk of heart attack, powerful adaptogen, enhance physiological functions, aiding the body to recover from illness, stress and fatigue, restore homeostasis to the body's various systems, help mainataining healthy digestion and regulate weight, burn fat, reduce weight in overweight people, gain weight in the form of lean muscle mass in underweight people, Improve Energy and athletic Performance, increase strength, endurance, gain lean muscle mass, enhance the contractility of the heart muscle and heart pumping function, help protect from radiation and radiation therapy, sexual enhancement in both men and women, energizing or calming brain and central nervous system in double-direction, regulation of hormonal functions in both men and women, treat schizophrenia, reduces heart distress, treat Liver Damage and bronchitis, Better than Ginseng to prevent diseases and improve physical and mental performance, stay young and fit...

Gynostemma (Jiaogulan) is listed as immortality herb in China for centuries. A largest percentage of centenarian elderly people who revealed that they took Jiaogulan daily, was found and researched in a nationwide census of China.
In human studies, 100% of 300 athletes reported increased vigor and alertness, quicker reflexes, and less nervousness, and with 90% effectiveness of improved sleep from the same group. Gynostemma appear to be safe even at large quantity. 

for educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a qualified physician before experimenting with this herb.


  1. (¯`•♥•´¯)¸.•°*”˜ƸӜƷ˜”*°•.•.¸ღ WANT TO BE SEXY and HEALTHY? I have used JIAOGULAN for my No. 1 CURE-ALL herb for many years. I found out it is not only BEST OF BEST plant on earth, a rare gem from heaven, but also it makes me more SEXY:). It is much better than Ginseng and Viagra:) If you have desire to improve your sex functions and sexual hormones, or look sexier, or lose weight, give JIAOGULAN a try. It is totally safe than anything and better than the food from grocery stores. The only side effects you might get are your other healthy problems disappeared and maybe you would look younger than your sons and daughters:), and maybe you would drive your sexual partner to nuts:):).

    Of all of the herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine, none holds more promise for human health, wellness and longevity than the twisting vine with five-leafed clusters
    known as jiaogulan (jee-ow-goo-lahn). Little known outside its native home,jiaogulan might have remained a secret of the mountain people of southern China had it not been for the recent discovery of “longevity pockets” in the southern provinces of Guangxi and Guizhou where jiaogulan is used regularly as a tonic. In some of these remote mountain villages, an extraordinary number of people were found to
    be living well beyond the age of 100 in robust good health and with very little disease. As a result, the locals refer to more jiaogulan with reverence as xiancao, the “immortality herb. the recent health and longevity findings, more than 300
    scientific papers on jiaogulan have been published in respected journals.

  2. Here are 54 scientifically validated reasons why you should start drinking a high quality jiaogulan.

    1. Enhance libido and sexual function. Jiaogulan has been shown to have a similar effect to drugs like Viagra®, helping to increase blood flow in critical areas.

    2. Get saponin power! Saponins exert powerful effects on health by balancing hormonal activity. Experts proclaim that jiaogulan contains a broader and MORE POWDERFUL range of saponins THAN ANY OTHER PLANT IN NATURE! Ginseng has 28 different saponins whereas Jiaogulan has 82!

    3. Balance hormone levels. Jiaogulan helps to balance hormone levels in both men and women.

    4. Manage and fight cancer. Jiaogulan prevents cells from turning cancerous. It improves white cell count, antibody levels, and T- and B-lymphocytes.

    5. Inhibit tumor and cancer cell growth. Tests have confirmed that jiaogulan can inhibit or prevent malignant growths from forming, even after prolonged exposure to carcinogens. It also inhibits growth of existing tumors.

    6. Kill cancer cells. Jiaogulan has shown activity against esophageal, lung, breast, uterus, prostate, brain, kidney, thymus and skin cancer.

    7. Achieve your ideal weight. Jiaogulan improves metabolism and reduces fat and sugar in blood.

    8. Fight chronic fatigue. Jiaogulan has been shown to have a pronounced anti-fatigue effect

    9. Protect against adrenal fatigue. Jiaogulan protects the adrenal glands.

    10. Increase your antioxidant protection.Studies have shown a nearly 300% increase in SOD, the body’s most important antioxidant enzyme.

    11. Decrease free-radical damage. By Jiaogulan significantly reduces toxic free-radical activity in the body.

    12. Extend your life. Since the recent discovery of “longevity pockets” of villages in Southern China where jiaogulan tonics are taken daily, much research has been conducted showing jiaogulan’s lifeextending capabilities

    13. Look younger. In China, it is said that those who drink jiaogulan look younger than their years.

    14. Protect against senility. Jiaogulan helps to ensure a steady flow of nutrients and oxygen to the brain.

    15. Protect vital cell membranes. Jiaogulan protects vital cell membranes with its powerful freeradical quenching action.

    16. Increase your energy levels. Jiaogulan increases production of cellular energy molecules ATP and creatine phosphate.

    17. Protect your brain. By inhibiting lipid peroxidation, jiaogulan protects against damage to brain cells and helps with repair functions.

    18. Improve your mental health without drugs.Japanese studies have shown usefulness in mental and neurological conditions including depression, anxiety
    and schizophrenia

    19. Increase stamina and endurance. Jiaogulan has been traditionally used in the morning before work to increase endurance and strength, and after
    work to relieve fatigue.

    20. Feel more alert. Jiaogulan facilitates a smooth flow of energy throughout the body for a stimulantfree feeling of alertness.

    21. Get better sleep. Research has shown up to 95% effectiveness rate in improving the quality of sleep.

    22. Restore youthful mental function. Jiaogulan has shown many benefits for the mind, including improvements in focus, concentration, and mental sharpness.

    23. Improve your memory. Scientific studies have confirmed jiaogulan’s traditional use as a potent memory tonic.

    24. Improve athletic performance. Testing on professional athletes has shown increased vigor and alertness, with quicker reflexes and enhanced recovery.

    25. Fight pain. Jiaogulan has been recommended for the treatment of pain in China for generations, and it still enjoys wide use today.

  3. 26. Maintain electrolyte balance. This is necessary for optimal muscle function and fluid balance.

    27. Protect yourself from stress. Jiaogulan helps the body to adjust to all types of stress.

    28. Reduce blood sugar levels and manage diabetes. A study on jiaogulan showed an 89.1% improvement of diabetes symptoms.

    29. Increase insulin sensitivity. Jiaogulan helps the body to use insulin better, improves glucose tolerance and stimulates insulin production.

    30. Protect against side effects of corticosteroids. Jiaogulan has been shown to
    protect against the harmful side effects of drugs such as prednisone.

    31. Lower your cholesterol. Jiaogulan has been clinically shown to be up to 93% effective in improving cholesterol.

    32. Improve your blood lipids. Clinical studies on jiaogulan have shown up to 85% improvement in blood lipids.

    33. Protect against arterial plaque (atherosclerosis). Jiaogulan can help to prevent and treat atherosclerosis.

    34. Strengthen your heart. Jiaogulan has been shown to improve the strength of the heart muscle.

    35. Normalize your blood pressure. Jiaogulan has shown a 92% effectiveness rate for blood pressure improvement.

    36. Prevent heart attacks. Jiaogulan helps keep arteries open and clear and improves heart strength, blood pressure, and cholesterol.

    37. Prevent dangerous blood clots. Jiaogulan prevents blood clots by making blood cells less sticky.

    38. Protect against stroke. Jiaogulan protects against clots and plaques.

    39. Protect your vital organs. Jiaogulan protects the vital organs from attack by free radicals and toxins.

    40. Find balance with the premier adaptogen. Jiaogulan works by balancing the body’s energies, making you more resistant to stress, disease, and the effects of aging.

  4. 41. Help normalize cortisol levels. Hypersecretion of the stress hormone cortisol can result in obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Jiaogulan help to balance cortisol levels.

    42. Protect your DNA. Jiaogulan protects against DNA damage.

    43. Enhance overall immunity. By activating lymphocytes and antibodies, jiaogulan has been shown to enhance immunity.

    44. Strengthen your resistance. White cells are essential for recovering from illness and disease. Jiaogulan has been shown to double the count in white cell deficient patients.

    45. Protect your immune system during chemotherapy or radiation. Jiaogulan works
    several ways to enhance immune response, even after extensive radiation treatment.

    46. Protect against toxic side effects of drugs and chemicals. Jiaogulan has displayed protective effects against toxicity from harmful chemicals and toxic drugs.

    47. Fight inflammation and arthritis. Jiaogulan fights against free radicals, the prime causes of inflammation and arthritis.

    48. Protect against stomach ulcers. Jiaogulan saponins display anti-ulcer effects, even reversing gastric ulcer induced by Helicobacter pylori.

    49. Protect against gallstones. Because of its ability to lower cholesterol in blood and bile, jiaogulan can inhibit the formation of gallstones.

    50. Improve digestive function. Jiaogulan is renowned in China as a digestive tonic.

    51. Treat liver damage and hepatitis. Jiaogulan is used in China to treat hepatitis and reverse liver damage.

    52. Detoxify your body. Jiaogulan maintains healthy bowel function and rids the body of accumulated toxins and wastes.

    53. Prevent and treat chronic bronchitis.Modern case studies have shown 93% effectiveness for chronic bronchitis.

    54. Get other wide-ranging benefits. Jiaogulan is currently being used clinically in Asia to treat 54 health problems, including many not mentioned above, such as: migraines, the common cold, gum inflammation, gastritis, hemorrhoids, neuralgia,
    enlarged prostate, pneumonia, acne, warts, fungal infections, gout, various allergies, asthma, ear infections, chronic headaches, premature graying of the hair, and even hangovers!

    We have organic JIAOGULAN herb powder in our herb store for you to choose for you health:

  5. (¸ڿڰۣPosted by - ✿✿ڿڰۣ)
    (¯`•♥•´¯)¸.•°*”˜ƸӜƷ˜”*°•.•.¸. Share a true story of our beloved friend Linda. She is an amazing woman with magnificant positive attitude. She is beautiful and proud of her youthful skin. However, she got some major health issues that caused her depressed and pain in the past years. She asked us for alternative herbal treatment. Here is the full story:

    *Jan-14-12 11:40 PM
    Do you have anything else for chronic pain? Bone pain, I have a morphine pump, plus my adrenal, and pituary has quit due to morphine, high blood pressure and sleep apenea, and sleep all the time and on thyroid, can you help?? thanks sincerely,.Linda

    ...After we introduced her our JIAOGULAN POWDER and WHITE PINE BARK POWDER, she purchased them and she received her order on Feb-01-12, 13:58 PM. She contacted us shortly ...

    *Feb-02-12 09:59 PM
    Im already trying my purchases, I'm starting to feel better, my husband is proud to see me doing more in the house, being more like my old self, thanks girls for your help.

    ... After 50 days continuing taken the herbs...

    *Mar-21-12 10:48 PM
    thanks from the bottom of my heart, you have been wonderful, I really needed and appreciated you wonderful knowledge. I'm feeling better, I can tell a big difference. Now I'm a happy camper. thanks for the info, you are the best, I'm glad beyond words I found you. Thanks so much, love you girls, you're wonderful!!!!! with sincere thanks, Linda

    Besides the herbs' magical power, on the other side, Linda's positive attitude helped her to restore her health quickly. We can now feel her happiness overflowing and feel happy for her

    Affirmation for healing: Today I am attracting the healthy people into my life..•°*”˜ƸӜƷ˜”*°•.•.¸ღ¸☆ I am attracting guardian Angels, and helpful amazing friends..•°*”˜ƸӜƷ˜”*°•.•.¸ღ¸☆ I am in the right place, at the right time, with the right mind set to network .•°*”˜ƸӜƷ˜”*°•.•.¸ღ¸☆with people who can open health's doors for me. .•°*”˜ƸӜƷ˜”*°•.•.¸ღ¸☆I am surrounding myself with healing energies. .•°*”˜ƸӜƷ˜”*°•.•.¸ღ¸☆I am healthy and happy Today!

    Jiaogulan and white pine bark powder in our store:

    (¯`•♥•´¯)¸.•°*”˜ƸӜƷ˜”*°•.•.¸ ¸.•°*”˜ƸӜƷ
