Saturday, January 28, 2012


LONGEVITY GODDESS Aroma Tea Powder - SCENTED Tea Blend of Jiaogulan, Reishi Mushroom, Fo-ti Root, White Pine Bark, Rhodiola Rosea Root, Ashwagandha Root, Grapeseed, Matcha Green Tea, Rosemary, Rosebuds, Oregano Leaf. Anti-AGING Herbal Tea Blend (Vegan)
This Special Blended tea may aid: anti-aging, antioxidant, anti-stress, detox, boost immune system. It also raises your vibration, lift spirit, boost your mood, increase energy, weight control, and much more.

Potent Anti-oxidant, Anti-aging, Anti-tumors, Detoxifying, Therapeutic Herb, Dietary Supplement

Made in USA

Color: LIGHT Asparagus (may vary)
(The colors of batches may shift based on blending herbal amount. The color also may be changed after we update ingredients for better herbal combination)

Ingredients: 100% Pure herbs of Jiaogulan, Reishi Mushroom, Fo-ti Root, White Pine Bark, Rhodiola Rosea Root, Ashwagandha Root, Grapeseed,  Rosemary, Rosebuds, Oregano Leaf etc
All Natural. Pure. Organic. Food Grade. No Additives

Directions: 1 tsp. = 2.5 ~ 5 g. For adults, take 1/4 ~1/2 tsp 2 times daily in the daytime, preferably with 1/16 tsp stevia extract or honey in a cup of hot water. Avoid overdose.
When you take the herbs with fruit juice or little bit honey or stevia extract or food, it will produce an effective substance, it has better function in prevent cancer and anti-aging. 

See descriptions of individual herb's for this ingredient:

Gynostemma is the most powerful adaptogenitc herb even more powerful than panax Ginseng as cure-all herb. It contains a 82 saponins (known as gypenosides) which is 3-4 times more than there are in ginseng. Some of those saponins are changed into Ginsenosides (the active compound found in ginseng) when they are in our bodies. 

Benefits of Gynostemma: It has used for centuries as a "cure-all" herb, anti aging agent, high-powered antioxidant effect, scavenging the body for free radicals, protect the body from DNA damage, longevity, provide antioxidant protection for cells and membranes, slow the aging process, increase the production of superoxide dismutase(SOD), lowering levels of oxidized lipids, decreasing free radical damage and proliferation, inhibits the effects of UV radiation damage, detoxifying agent, tonic to treat cancer, proven cancer inhibitor, obstruct and delay the growth of cancer, increases the 'Natural Killer' cell activities in cancer patients, empowering bodies to fight back against the invading cancer, atherosclerosis, liver disease, strengthen the body, reduce fatigue, improve sexual vigor, reinforce overall health, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, improving heart function, strengthening the immune system, increasing stamina and endurance, increasing resistance to environmental stress, improving memory, and preventing hair loss, poor appetite, cough, chronic bronchitis, ongoing stomach pain (chronic gastritis), pain and swelling (inflammation), ulcers, constipation, stress, gallstones, obesity, diabetes, insomnia, backache, Environmental pollution, poor nutrient, stress leads to liver deficiency and stored as fat, regulate fat metabolism, maintain normal cholesterol levels , maintain healthy blood pressure, Potent Immunomodulator, help maintaining healthy immune system, help maintaining normal cholesterol and triglyceride levels, lower serum cholesterol, lower triglycerides, lower LDL (bad cholesterol), increasing HDL (good cholesterol), help maintaining healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular health, regulates blood pressure and cholesterol, lower risk of heart attack, powerful adaptogen, enhance physiological functions, aiding the body to recover from illness, stress and fatigue, restore homeostasis to the body's various systems, help mainataining healthy digestion and regulate weight, burn fat, reduce weight in overweight people, gain weight in the form of lean muscle mass in underweight people, Improve Energy and athletic Performance, increase strength, endurance, gain lean muscle mass, enhance the contractility of the heart muscle and heart pumping function, help protect from radiation and radiation therapy, sexual enhancement in both men and women, energizing or calming brain and central nervous system in double-direction, regulation of hormonal functions in both men and women, treat schizophrenia, reduces heart distress, treat Liver Damage and bronchitis, Better than Ginseng to prevent diseases and improve physical and mental performance, stay young and fit...

Gynostemma (Jiaogulan) is listed as immortality herb in China for centuries. A largest percentage of centenarian elderly people who revealed that they took Jiaogulan daily, was found and researched in a nationwide census of China.
In human studies, 100% of 300 athletes reported increased vigor and alertness, quicker reflexes, and less nervousness, and with 90% effectiveness of improved sleep from the same group. Gynostemma appear to be safe even at large quantity. 

Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum, Ling Zhi) has been called ‘elixir of immortality’, the ‘medicine of kings’, "cure-all", the "gem of funguses"“God’s Herb”, “herb of spiritual potency”. Superior to ginseng, Reishi was ranked the highest in classic medical text for its amazing benefit in EVERY ORGAN of human bodies. Reishi contains some powerful ingredients: 1. Water-soluble polysaccharides: stimulate white blood cells, kill microorganisms, kill tumor cells, increases RNA and DNA, an immunostimulant, fight AIDS, lowers blood pressure, maintains immune system, fights tumors 2. beta and hetero-beta-glucans: anti-tumor, stimulates immune system 3. Ling Zhi-8 protein: anti-allergenic, regulates immune system. 4. ganoderic acid: fight allergies.

Many Studies done over the centuries repeatedly show that Reishi, the adaptogen, has ѕоmе kind оf cancer fighting properties for every part of our bodies. It is an excellent immune booster packed with strong antioxidants that can help fight cancer, reduce tumor growth, chronic hepatitis B, insomnia, fatigue, asthma, prevent heart disease, prevent cardiovascular diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, type two diabetes, boost boost energy, clear mind, anti-bacterial, antioxidant, fight HIV, Alzheimer’s Senile Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, Baldness, Anemia, Anxiety Disorders, Arthritis, Asthma, Atherosclerosis, Bladder Cancer, Breast Cancer, Brain Cancer, Bronchitis Chronic, Cataracts, Cholesterol (High), Common Cold, Flu, Cardiomyopathy, fight bacteria and fungi, Candidiasis, Cellulitis, Coronary Heart Disease, Dementia, Dermatitis, Dizziness, Mentrual cramps, Emphysema, Epilepsy, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Flu, Hair Loss, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, HIV Infection, Hypertension, Immune Enhancer, Impotence, Inflammation, Insomnia, Kidney Stones, Kidney Disorders Or Diseases, Liver Cancer, Liver Cirrhosis, Liver Function Abnormalities, Liver Necrosis, Male Climacteric, Manic-Depressive Disorders, Muscular Dystrophy, Myocardial Ischemia, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Phlebitis, Pleurisy, Prostate Cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Stress Reducer, Stroke, Thrombosis, Venous Stasis, Varicose Veins, Uterin Fibroids (Myomata), Weight Loss, anti-inflammatory, ease joint pain, relieve arthritis, prevent allergies, treat chronic bronchitis and asthma, treat Insomnia, help blood circulation, treat leaky gut syndrome, encourages the proliferation of bone marrow cells, lowers serum cholesterol levels, a tonic for the heart and liver, Reduces the effects of caffeine, Improves the adrenal functions, a sedative, sleep deprivation, toxin exposure, infection, psychological stress and trauma, Anti-cancer, Anti-tumor, reduction of blood pressure, cardiovascular, Lyme disease, anti-viral, stress reducer, nerve tonic, lack оf energy, diabetes, Lung/respiratory strengthener...

In Chinese legends, Ling Zhi was a miracle which could resurrect dead and live forever. Chinese most famouse physician and naturalist Li Shi Zhen (1518~1593) wrote about Reishi: "It benefits the life energy, or "qi" of the heart, repairing the chest area and benefiting those with a knotted and tight chest. Taken over a long period of time, agility of the body will not cease, and the years are lengthened to those of the Immortal Fairies."

Fo-ti (He Shou Wu - "Black Haired Mr. He." a legend man who have lived to the age of 130, used fo-ti daily to revive his black hair color, youthful looks, and sexual virility) is often called the “Elixir of Life”,  youthful tonic and adaptogen since 3000 years ago in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has chemical compounds similar to resveratrol and has been regarded in China as a reliable and powerful safeguard longevity herb against aging.Studies found He Shou Wu contains leucoanthrocyanides (LAC) which are anti-inflammatory, Chrysophanol, Emodin, Rhapontin, Phenolic Glucosides, Nitrogen, Minerals, Lecithin, and Oxymethylanthroquinone, lecithin, anthraquinones, and more than 1.2% of a rare substance acting as principle active constituent. Many Lab Studies shown He Shou Wu anti-aging could prolong the 12.03% of lifespan in various laboratory animals  with 0.5% strength of the root,  and human clinical studies also shown it could delay the aging of vital organs, 83.3% effectiveness in treatment of kidney deficiency, and 88.9% effectiveness in reversing gray hair treatment.

Fo-ti's well-known benefits: help combat the effects of alopecia and premature aging symptoms like graying hair, hair loss, lacking vitality and balanced qi, or energy flow, Anti-aging, significantly increase superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, powerful natural antioxidant and free radical scavenger, inhibits b -monoamine oxidase to delay aging process, Reverse Hair Color, Prevent Hair Loss, Balancing Effects, treat alopecia and premature aging, nourishing blood, treat Blood deficiency, lack of energy, tonic for liver, kidney and endocrine glands, improves stamina, Enhances Vigor, reduce fat levels in the blood, prevent heart disease, Increase Fertility and Sexual Vigor, increase essence and blood, increase sperm, Raise red blood cell counts, Lower cholesterol levels, prevent cardiovascular diseases, increase blood flow, strengthen the membranes of  red blood cells, promote erythrocytes growth, Smooth Nerve System, strengthen the muscles, tendons, treat backaches, knee joint pain, traumatic bruises, and neurasthenia, Control Schizophrenia, sexual enhancer, anti-aging, anti- cancer, Enhance immune system, Treat nerve damage, Increase longevity, Nourish blood, Strengthen bones, muscles and tendons, Strengthen knees and lower back, Treat eczema, Treat goiter, Treat sores, Treat hardening of the arteries, Lower blood pressure, Lower cholesterol, Increase kidney and liver function, Relieve muscle aches, Reduce excessive bleeding, Improve adrenal Function, Treat insomnia, Reduce fat deposits in the liver, Protect against toxins, Treat atherosclerosis, Enhance fertility, Boost energy, mild laxative, Sooth gastrointestinal tract, Treat constipation, Treat knee and joint pain, Treat impotence and erectile dysfunction, Alzheimer, Constipation, Dizziness with ringing in the ears, treat angina pectoris, bloody stools, hypoglycemia, diabetes, night sweating, schizophrenia, chronic bronchitis, epilepsy, head injuries, impotence, malaria, sores, cuts, and ringworm, treat intestinal parasites, prevent cold, improves the cardiovascular system, enhances immune functions, slows the degeneration of glands, increases antioxidant activity, and reduces the accumulation of lipid peroxidation, combating aging, prevent heart attack and stroke, and much more...

White Pine Bark, the topnotch marvellous antioxidants powerhouse, contains a treasure trove of maximum intensity of antioxidants with highese level of proanthocyanidins/OPCs (highest degree and source of antioxidant, boost upmost immune system, allow vitamin C absorbed by cells and prolong its life, fight contaminations in the body, anti free radical, kill inflammation, fight infectious invaders, protect cells from rish of damage, prevent arteriosclerosis and coronary heart problems), Resveratrol (antiaging, antioxidant, antifungal, lower bad cholesterol , increase good cholesterol, prevent heart attacks, reduce risk of strokes, prevent fat goes into bloodstream), and Pycnogenol (powerful antioxidant, potent anti-inflammatory, collagen and elastin binder, blood vessel dilator, influenza and colds miracle curer, relieve bronchitis, lung blockage, boost blood and fluid circulation, promote overall well-being)

White Pine Bark Powder' many benefits: potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, superior than vitamin C and vitamin E in combating free radicals damage; benefit collagen production, help elastin construction, protect sunburn damage, increase skin's microcirculation, improve skin condition, eliminate skin pigments, treat variety of skin problems; protect damage and build strength for chemotherapy patients; Improve circulation in whole body, Diuretic, improve Urinary Tract, strengthen bladder and kidneys; relieve Pregnancy problems; Demulcent, relieve muscle pain and cramps, reduce pain in low back pain, pelvic, varicose veins, improve chronic venous insufficiency; enhance erectile dysfunctions; boost energy, increase oxygen transport to cells, prolong the life of Vitamin C functioning in the body; prevent allergy; relieve ringing in the ear problem; prevent and treat colds and Flu, relieve asthma, Sore Throats, Stuffy nose, Laryngitis, improve function of respiratory tract, relieve bronchitis and lung congestion; used as external application treating wounds and sores...

Rhodiola rosea (Golden Toot, Tibetan Ginseng), the sacred Legendary plant, was regarded as a herb has "supernatural" healing power and greatest value that even much more worthy than gold. It grows in severe circumstances of the Himalayas and take midnight sunlight for its unique active ingredients. It has been documented in the "Yellow Book of the Emperor" as Longevity herb, Tibetan monks' essential herb, and Tibetan soldiers' vitality and healing herb throughout the history since 2697 BC.

Benefits of Rhodiola rosea: Adaptogen; Longevity, Prevention of age ailments; Enhance immunity, protection from tumors, powerful antioxidant, Accelerates recovery after illness, Improves resistance to disease,; Harmonization of sexual function in both sexes, Aphrodisiac, Improves sexual performance; stimulate blood circulation and purify the blood; prevent heart attack, Strengthening myocardial function, Antiarrhythmic function, Cardioprotection; antistress and antidepress;  
Promotes weight loss, burn fat convert to energy; Reducing the harmful effects of chemotherapy; Improving sporting achievements, increase energy, endurance and stamina, decrease the recovery time needed after strenuous muscular workouts, Help maintain high levels of creatine phosphate; Protect liver against toxic substances; Increase intellectual functions, Tonic for well-being and happiness; Harmonization of blood sugar; Strong antioxidant protection at the cellular level; Non-stimulating energizing herb, Promotes healthy sleep, Improves cognitive function, Aids protein synthesis, Combats chronic fatigue syndrome, Increases physical and mental endurance, easy adaptation to stressful situations, Increases effectiveness of other herbs and nutrients, Ancient Royalty's healing disciplines, Uplifts moods, Promotes mental clarity and mental performance, energize free radicals, defend against oxidative damage, Increases cellular energy, stimulating the production of energy for the body, reduce stress hormone, supports nervous system, Elevates DNA and RNA, repair cells and organs, protectagainst oxidative damage, promote generating neurotransmitters, increase cells that fight inflammation and tumors, control excess cortisol...

Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera), also known as Ginseng of India, is known in Indian Ayurvedic medicine, as a general tonic and adaptogen. Ashwagandha's well-known benefits are: excellent tonic, correct impotency, stress-free herb, great aphrodisiac effect, anti-bacterial properties, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial properties, antibiotic properties, calms the nerves, aid in clearing the mind, improving memory, slows down aging, strong nourishing and protective effect on the nervous system, Alzheimer’s disease,  Immune system problems, Insomnia, Memory loss, Mental clarity, Nerve exhaustion, overwork, Sexual improvement for both men and women, infertility, builds semen, rejuvenate sexual organs, Treats infertility and impotence, Stress, Women’s health,  regenerates hormones, prevention of necrosis of liver tissue, intestinal anti-inflammatory actions, Hair Loss, and many more...

Grape seed contains Resveratrol which is a known antioxidant that has been used for treatment of a number of diseases, and study shown its efficacy in softening breast cancer tumors after radiation and preventing tumor growth altogether. Flavonoids found in grape seed are shown to lower bad LDL cholesterol, increasing heart and circulatory system health. OTCs found in grape seed relieve blood pools in the legs, called venous insufficiency that causes pain, visible veins, swelling and fatigue. Antioxidants in grape seed repair and strengthen blood vessels, lowering blood pressure.
Grape seed' many benefits including: Antioxidant , Anti-Inflammatory, Cardiovascular, Blood Sugar control, Anti-Aging, Longevity, Anti-Microbial, Anti-Cancer, Anti allergenic, Antihistamine, Anti inflammatory, Anti Carcinogens, Anti Cardiovascular disease, Anti Edema, Anti Arthritis, Anti Varicose veins, Anti Allergens, Aid in poor circulation, Prevent formation of plaque in arteries, Improve mental alertness, Boost energy level, Burn fat, Prevents skin and colon cancer development, Increase testosterone, Activate our defense system to combat viruses, Prevents formation of plaque in the brain preventing alzheimer, Preventing cancer, Promoting wound healing, Preventing dental cavities, Correcting poor night vision, lower cholesterol levels, benefits surgery or injury-related swelling, relieves allergies, trengthen skin’s collagen, revealing healthier looking skin, protects tiny blood vessels, protect vision loss, treat Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), High blood pressure (hypertension), High cholesterol, Poor circulation, Diabetes complications, Macular degeneration, Swelling after an injury or surgery, Cirrhosis of the liver, Hay fever or other similar allergies.

Rosemary Leaf Powder can also lift your spirits, help you smile more, keep you stress-free, boost happy mood, feeling well-being, improve your memory and concentration with its heavenly fragrance, anti-fungi, anti-inflammation and anti-oxidants properties. Rosemary Leaf Powder's benefits: anti-Cancer; detox; Beauty and cosmetics, Beautify skin and hair, Promote blood circulation; Improve memory, clear mind;  anti-depression, calm nerves; Rhheumatism, Gout, Plague, Dyspepsia, Colds, Headaches, Gastrointestinal ailments, Nervous Tension, Spasms, Digestion, Alzheimer’s disease,  Circulatory Problems, Eczema, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Menstrual Cramps, and Yeast Infection, Stimulate the liver, Benefit the digestive tract, Relieve muscle and joint pain, Relieve headaches, Fight fevers, Relieve exhaustion, Relieve muscle pain, Flavoring dishes, burn fat, repel pests, repel negtive energies...

Rosebuds, rose hips and rose petals have high levels of organic raw vitamin C, many Antioxidants, essential vitamins and organic acids. It is packed with catechin (EGCG) to prevent and kill Cancer cells and free-radical damage. It has been long used in history to promote healthy and beautiful skin, tone skin, improve skin texture, rejuvenate tired eyes and skin; Women's problems; Beauty and cosmetics; strengthen bones, help the body absorb iron; soothe sore throats, open blocked bronchial tubes, treat colds and flu, reduce fevers; strengthen digestive tract, prevent digestive problems, strengthen gastrointestinal functions, prevent diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, gastroenteritis; detox, help cleaning toxic nitrogenous wastes from the bladder and kidneys, prevent urinary tract infections; help removing kidney stones in the urinary tract; calm the central nervous system, relieve mental illnesses, reduce depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders; treat chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia and nervousness;  reduce fatigues, relaxe the body; Cooking addition...

Oregano (mountain joy), a delightful and pleasent scented herb contains one of the highest antioxidants among all plants. Oregano's antioxidant activity and potency > 42 times of apples, 30 times of potatoes, 12 times of oranges,  4 times more of blueberries. It is also a potent antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-viral herb packed with potent vitamin K, essential Minerals, Omega-3, other vitamins, and rich in fiber.

Oregano's common use: Fight against cancer cells, kill Prostate Cancer Cells, fight ovarian and breast cancer; fight free radicals, anti ageing;treat reproductive tract problems, prevent infections after childbirth, treat respiratory tract disorders, coughs, sore throat, asthma, croup, bronchitis; increase libido, aphrodisiac; treat gastrointestinal disorders, heartburn, bloating; treat menstrual cramps; relieve rheumatism, osteoarthritis, prevent degenerative arthritis; treat urinary tract disorders and infections; treat headaches; treat heart conditions; combate bacteria, viruses, fungi, intestinal worms, intestinal parasites, warts; allergies; aid insomnia, relieve migraines sinus pain; prevent and treat swine flu; earaches; treat fatigue; wonderful flavorous culinary spice, food preservative.

External Application to treat various skin and hair conditions: relieve swellings, boils, and sprains, cure acne, athlete's foot, oily skin, hair loss, dandruff, canker sores, rosacea, psoriasis; treat insect bites; treat wounds; treat gum disease, toothaches; reduce spasms, treat muscle pain; insect repellent.

for educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a qualified physician before experimenting with this herb.

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